Submit to the IHR Journal

To submit an article to the International HETL Review (IHR), go to the Submission Instructions page.

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Review process

Each paper is initially reviewed by the editor-in-chief and, if the paper is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to at least two independent referees for a double blind peer review. Based on their recommendations, and if applicable, consultation with members of the Editorial Advisory Board, the editor-in-chief decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised, or rejected.

Copyright policy

Contributing author(s) assert their right to be named as the author(s) of their article and that they have full copyright permission, i,e, there are no copyright infringements, to publish their article on the HETL Portal. The author(s) assign to HETL Portal and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this article for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The author(s) also grant a non-exclusive licence to HETL Portal to publish this article in full on the World Wide Web (prime sites and mirrors) and in electronic and/or printed form within the HETL Review. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).

Ethics policy

By publishing this article, the author(s) affirms that any original research conducted by the author(s) and described in the article involving human participants, if applicable, was conducted in accordance with all relevant and appropriate ethical guidelines concerning human research subjects.